"In recent days, we have finalized the purchase of a retailpark located in the border town of Zgorzelec, where Rossmann, Sinsay,Dealz, Pepco, TEDi, and Woolworth have their stores. The new park islocated in a traditionally commercial location, which has been in theminds of consumers as a commercial destination for years. Right nextto our retail park, there are Aldi and Lidl stores, as well as a BPpetrol station," enumerates Krystian Modrzejewski,Investment Director at Newgate Investment. "Concentration ofretail functions in one place is a guarantee of the success of thefacility also due to the unique location of the city. Zgorzelec islocated right next to the German town of Gorlitz. This means that ourretail park covers not only 30,000 residents of Zgorzelec but also56,000 residents of the neighboring German town," emphasizesKrystian Modrzejewski.
RG-Leasingsupported Smart Park Poland not only in the commercialization of thefacility but also carried out the sale transaction of the retail parkin Zgorzelec. The construction was carried out by Zakład BudowlanoRemontowy BUDREM sp. z o.o. sp. k. and the investment financing wasprovided by Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości. "Thanks to ourexperience and cooperation with trusted partners, this project wascarried out with the utmost care, which enabled its efficient sale toNewgate Investment, as a fully commercialized property with greatinvestment potential," says Paweł Żerański, CEO of SmartPark Poland.
The acquisitionwas financed by mLeasing Sp. z o.o., which provided NGI withfinancing in the form of a long-term real estate lease.
"We werepleased to finance a new, appropriately commercialized facility thatis adapted to the local market. We are pleased that the proposedconditions and our experience allowed us to convince NGI to choose analternative product to credit, which is real estate leasing. We areconvinced that this is the beginning of many years of successfulcooperation," emphasizes Anna Woźniak, Head of the RealEstate and Structured Investments Department at mLeasing.
NewgateInvestment plans further purchases of both finished and developingproperties. “Our interests also include older retail parks thatallow for the generation of added value, whether through expansion,reconstruction or recommercialization. Examples of such investmentsinclude Wysockiego Park Handlowy in Białystok with a GLA of over16,000 sq m, or a convenience center with a GLA of over 8,000 sq mlocated in Sieradz, which we rebuilt, recommercialized andsignificantly increased the income generated by the properties whilesignificantly increasing the added value for local communities, forexample by expanding the offer,” says Krystian Modrzejewski.
The correctnessof the adopted investment strategy is emphasized by the almost 100%level of renting of the properties owned by Newgate Investment. Theattractiveness of the retail park sector is also noticed by bankswith which the company talks and cooperates in financing thefacilities. “Retail parks are assets that offer a satisfactoryrate of return while limiting risks compared to large-scale shoppingmalls or cost-intensive office buildings, hence financialinstitutions are looking at them more and more favorably. Awell-thought-out retail park project located in a typical commercialdestination and managed by a team of experienced people willcertainly achieve the assumed business goals, a very good example ofwhich are the properties that make up our portfolio," summarizesthe Investment Director at Newgate Investment.