The company is planning significant development in the coming years by doubling the number of facilities, primarily by long-term investments, retail park projects, stand alone projects, also abroad. Looking for development opportunities, Newgate also decided to pursue a new development direction. The first facility will be opened in 3Q2023 in Malbork at al.Wojska Polskiego. Comfy Park Malbork with an area of 4,100 m2 GLA will occupy min. Lidl, Sinsay, Rossmann and Pepco, i.e. international top brands with good synergy.
The revitalization of two key facilities has been completed: Park Handlowy Wysocki in Białystok, which thus became the largest retail park in the Podlaskie Voivodship after reconstruction, and Galeria Sieradzka. On 05.03, the Galaxy Center was opened in the Wysockiego Shopping Center with an area of approx. 1000 m 2 , which currently gives 99% of the gallery's commercialization. Popular and respected tenants were invited to cooperate, some of them are long-term partners in other Newgate facilities, such as Sinsay, Pepco, KIK, Tedi, Action, CCC, Rossmann, Takko, Jysk, etc.

Introducing changes to existing facilities or purchasing new ones is always a well-thought-out process, in which the main emphasis is placed on customer satisfaction and their expectations. When completing tenants, attention is paid to the client creating the entire basket of needs in a given facility.
New year, new opportunities, many changes. Currently, Mr. Anton Grytsenko is responsible for managing the facilities and projects, and you will be able to get to know him better at the SCF 2023 Spring and Fall fairs in Warsaw in September. At the end of February this year, Mr. Paweł Leśny joined the company's co-workers for the position of CFO, who, through his many years of experience, will support the company in its development, also on the international market.
Newgate enters 2023 with many plans and ideas for the next few years, celebrating its 10th anniversary on the real estate market in the meantime. Due to the intensive growth of the team and investments, the company is moving to a much larger and modern office at the end of March 2023, where more interesting projects will be created.